Get a WhatsYourPrice Date Offer Faster With These Online Dating Profile Tips

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Filling out an online dating profile can be a little intimidating. The photos and info you include will be seen by potential matches who are, for now, complete strangers. Knowing what to include—and what not to include—is important, which is why we’re offering up our best online dating profile tips!

Maybe you’re a pro at online dating, or maybe you’re new to meeting singles virtually. You might even be new to WhatsYourPrice, where online dating happens at rapid speed. Regardless of your previous experience with online dating, following these online dating profile tips will certainly help your profile stand out from the crowd. Even though WhatsYourPrice is the online dating shortcut, it doesn’t hurt to get a head start—right?!

1. High-Quality Photos Do Well on Online Dating Profiles

It should come as no surprise that we’re pretty visually focused—and visually stimulated. Just look at the popularity of Instagram and TikTok. If we love to look at photos and watch videos of celebrities and influencers, why wouldn’t we naturally gravitate to the photos on online dating profiles?

Because your photos will be what most WhatsYourPrice members will see first, it’s important to make sure that all the pics you include are high-quality! Blurry, pixelated and blatantly old photos aren’t impressing anybody and might even go ignored.

If you’re having professional headshots taken, consider asking your photographer to take a few specifically for your online dating profile. If not, ask a friend to take some photos of you—and change things up, from the background to what you’re wearing. And if you’re going the DIY route, invest in a selfie stick and always remember to use portrait mode!

And speaking of what you’re wearing, remember to avoid covering your face. Masks are great for IRL protection but not exactly ideal for your online dating profile. If you have a great pic of you at the beach with sunglasses on, don’t exclude it but be sure you have enough photos sans those Ray-Ban shades. You want to show off that million dollar smile and your sparkling eyes, right?

2. List Interests That Offer Date Ideas

Listing your interests in your online dating profile is a great idea! Doing so lets potential matches know if you’d be a good match. It also inspires some ideas of what you might like to do on a date. Into live music? Do you listen to specific genres? Maybe someone out there is also into medieval folk rock and has tickets to an upcoming show… (We promise that’s a thing—look it up!)

Listing out all of your interests, however, is gonna be a “no” from us. Lengthy profiles that include every hobby you’ve ever had just might go unread. No one wants to read a novel when casually scrolling through online dating profiles.

Instead, choose a handful of your interests that offer potential matches some ideas of what you two could enjoy together on a date. Remember that on WhatsYourPrice it’s the date offer that comes first—the chatting comes second. List a few interests for WhatsYourPrice members to find some common ground, and save the rest for when you’re chatting—or even better, when you’re on your date!

3. Get Your Flirt On!

Dating in general has a lot to do with the chemistry between two people. It’s difficult to tell if you’ll feel a spark by just looking at someone’s photos and reading some basic information about them. That’s where flirting comes in!

It might sound difficult to convey being flirtatious in your online dating profile. It is possible though, trust us! Simply remember what makes flirting so fun: Sharing your sense of humor, saving some mystery, letting your personality vibe with someone else’s.

To accomplish this, fill out your profile when you’re in a good—scratch that, great—mood. Your positivity and enthusiasm will radiate from your words. Also consider throwing in some fun or funny comments about your interests or online dating in general. And maybe even include some playful lines about your experience in dating and what you’d expect from a great first date.

Keep all of this in mind while writing those online dating profile responses and the flirting is sure to come naturally. WhatsYourPrice members won’t even have to read between the lines!

4. Proofread Your Online Dating Profile

No one expects you to be the next Charles Dickens or Ernest Hemingway when reading your online dating profile. They probably don’t even mind if you’re not on J.K. Rowling’s or E.L. James’ level. (Though they might appreciate it if you knew the latter wrote 50 Shades of Grey—you can find that out on your date!)

Literary jokes aside, even if you’re not the best writer you can still write a stellar profile free of mistakes. Say it with us: Spell check.

It sounds simple, but many do often forget to run what they write through a simple spell check. And the thing is, this can be the quickest way to ruin your chances of getting that date!

Bad grammar, careless spelling errors and unnecessary punctuation isn’t going to define you, but it definitely isn’t going to make your online dating profile stand out in a positive way. Just remember to take a little time after writing your responses to look through them and use that all-important spell check! Let Microsoft Word or Google Docs do the work for you and your online dating profile won’t raise any eyebrows.

7. Ask Your Friends for Help

Even the most confident people with all the swagger in the world can make mistakes. And even those with tons of positive dating experience can overlook the smallest of details that will have potential matches passing on your online dating profile.

To solve this problem, just ask your friends for some help! You might know yourself well, but your friends have an outside look on things. And that’s exactly the perspective you need for your online dating profile.

If you’re unsure of what to include in your profile, ask your friends for some ideas of what would make you appealing to the WhatsYourPrice community. If you’ve already filled your profile out, ask them to look over it to make sure you aren’t missing anything that will make you stand out. And lastly, if you have a friend who brags about winning the 4th grade spelling bee—well, ask them to proofread your profile. (And then still run a spellcheck—see above!)

We all trust our friends when telling them about our adventures in dating. Why wouldn’t we have them there, by our side, from the start?